Daily Application Status Report
A new notification will appear for agents that send daily application status updates. This application summary notification keeps you apprised of the latest status updates on your applications without needing to log into the dashboard.
Portfolio Payment
This canned report informs you of your monthly volume at the MID level. In addition, this report provides details on the processing of your clients.
Fraud Report
This canned report informs you of your Volume Summary and an Overview of refunds/chargebacks over a selected period. Additionally, the below data is in the report.
Responded vs. Unresponded Chargebacks | The average time between the transaction date and dispute date |
Fraud vs. Non-Fraud reason code comparison | Decline Statistics |
Top-two chargeback-related BINs | Top 5 cards with excessive declines |
Negative Cardholders | Top 3 BIN(s) with the most declines |
The most common transaction amount disputed | Top decline reasons |
Boarding Application Status Report
This canned report informs you of your applications at various statuses for your portfolio. This data helps you get apps through underwriting quickly.